Everybody loves to visit new places. However there a number of locations around the world which will give you nightmares.
Everybody loves to visit new places. However there a number of locations around the world which will give you nightmares.
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1st 😇
No thank you. Yes death mountain must be sacred you’re blessed to not have fallen.
8, 7, 6…..7?
Massive fear of heights, no thanks.
Why do xx people excitable young girls boys tempted,bravado hormones, want to chance tempt and boast to friends oh I done it,or there's an unforgivable tragedy that affects family's friends etc,all for the chance of a ,,laugh
People must not risk with their lives please
You need some assistance with pronunciation of Chinese place names, bud…. Zhang Jia Jie = Jahng Jyah Jyeh.
People are nuts.
Even though there's a location called stairway to Heaven if you do fall you will see Heaven sooner than you thought
Is it just me or that every place has a dangerous name "WARNING WARNING"!
did it
These tourists attractions are definitely for thrill seekers, not the faint at heart.
The death road in Bolivia is now a popular tourist attraction where you bike down from the top to the valley. There is now basically no normal traffic anymore as they built a new and decent road between La Paz and Coroico. Therefore many agencies nowadays offer bike tours and if you dont do crazy stuff then its safe, I did it and I really liked it and never felt unsafe
What a dumb video.
No fact checking huh?
70 degree Celsius (158 Fahrenheit) was registered in Tunisia and it's not uncommon to have such high temperature.
None of them are scary have done half of them already the other half in next 5 years.
Aussie diggers are what we call soldiers and they fought battles on the Kokoda trail with Japanese. I can understand the assumption but they weren't diggers in the archaeological sense.
I've been at death valley in mid-spring at 45°C. The breeze feels as if someone pointed a high powered haidryer at your face. You don't sweat no matter how hard you exercise, and your mouth is constantly dry even as you easily go through 3L of water like it's nothing. However, as long as you have enough water in your car and don't stray away from the beaten path in case you need help, there is nothing to fear.
The cave diving one came on, and I'm like bruh no f'ing way, lol
10:25 Any logical reason why the title on screen is ‘Future American Soldier’? … Thought not 😂
Fascinating video!))
Sagada is so dangerous
I love heights, i will like to visit
The cosmos demands that you open this email immediately!
I'm very glad other people feel the need so I can watch it.
OH!!!!! NO!!!!! DEFINITELY NOT FOR ME!!!!!🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱
It appears most of this video, if not all, is created by AI, however when talking about the Kokoda track in PNG you need to do your research. The “Australian Diggers” you mention are not guys having fun with shovels( as in your video) but WW2 service men who suffered to protect us all and deserve to be remembered and respected.
Thank you ☺️ for the video. As adventurous as I am, I don’t think I have the guts to try any of these. It’s very scary and it just takes one mistake that will cost your life. Thanks but no thanks! 😂
Stairway to heaven was not dangerous, the real danger is getting caught
mentioned names of places, but need to know what countries are places in.
Wait how is Mont Blanc more dangerous than Everest?!
Fourteen hours is optimistic.
4:16–4:49 not a good place to walk.
Devil pool Victoria Fall from 1:56–2:32 is very scary. How anyone can be so stupid to sit right close to the edge of water fall?
The Bolivian and Peruvian mountain roads are NOT ''tourist attractions'' at all; they are just their normal roads.
I wouldn't be on that ultra-high, narrow walk for all the yuan in China! Doing that is NOT bravery, it's courting death and though I did some thrill-seeking sport when young, today, longevity looks very inviting!
Idiotic list. Many of the attractions are not at all dangerous if one puts common sense to use. And even without that – what exactly is so dangerous about 999 steps? What is dangerous about a suspension bridge 300ft above ground? What is dangerous about a 7-10 hour hike that apart from its length features no actual dangers at all?
These attractions offer a combination of natural beauty and adrenaline-inducing danger, attracting thrill-seekers from around the world. However, visitors should exercise caution and be aware of the risks associated with each destination.
I rode atop an elephant in Chnbri. Thailand!! 🫨