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Well Captain what can I say, this was one of my favourite videos of this season. Always smile when you show your excellent drone skills, loved the info that you will be doing an entire season on route 66, and that 2nd amendment muffler man must be one of the most Texas things I have ever seen. Lovely video!
Robert, I'm eagerly anticipating the Route 66 adventure trip and truly believe it's going to be an amazing journey.
Loved the thumbnail!
Awesome video, Robert! Thank you!
Love to see Palo Duro make it in your videos! I hike there all the time and I would recommend the Lighthouse trail if you want a moderate trail to do with a fantastic view at the end. The hike is 3 miles one way but elevation change is minimal and climbing to the lighthouse rock at the end is not too terrible but definitely the most strenuous part. Along the way you get wonderful views of the red rock formations. I would say the lighthouse is a must see if you are wanting to hike in Palo Duro. If you want more of a challenge the Givens, Spicer, Lowery trail offers even better views and more Hoodoos but is far more strenuous and longer. It does intersect the lighthouse trail. Best of luck to you in your future travels!
For a good steak, eat at Red River Steak House. It is where the locals eat. They have two locations. One on old 66 in McLean. The second is in Amarillo. As you go through Shamrock, detour N to Wheeler, W to Mobeetie. Take in the Old Mobeetie Museum. The oldest town in the Texas Panhandle. The county seat of the region for years. Housed the first courthouse in the Panhandle and Fort Elliot. Originally, the settlement was Hidetown. It was a trading post for buffalo hides.
Another awesome one. 66 sounds so fun. Can’t wait. ❤
Wow i was surprised how good they took care of all the signage in midpoint. Thanks for sharing
Awesome, thank you Mr. Robert…🍻
I have been watching you're video's since you where stilll the road nomad. Many years have passedn but your video's are stiil great to watch. U must have visited al the states by now. Is there a place you remember the most ?
Realistic what to expect while traveling. Problems!
I use all of the same spices that you use, the one ingredient I don't see you using is fennel, you might want to give it a try.
Why didn’t you stay at Big Texan RV ranch? It’s so much better than the KOA in Amarillo
Another great video! Thanks Robert!
Robert…..Por FAVOR deja los "zapatos trepadores" en el Truck"……it is not the first time you left the hiking shoes…….you are missing the FUN……Still L'YA……
Mark Leach and his son Caleb from Keep Your Daydream tried that 72 oz challenge and they failed!
Next time you are in Utah, you must visit Utah's Little Grand Canyon. It resembles Grand Canyon NP more than Palo Duro
does. It's on BLM land. Camping on the rim is free.
“Amarillo by mornin’”… From the beautiful landscapes to the historical glimpses of Route 66, Cadillac Ranch, and more… It’s a joy to share the journey with you. Much to anticipate if you are blessed with the opportunity to explore Route 66 from Chicago to Santa Monica next year.
As always, many thanks for your dedication towards creating such genuine and smile-worthy content that’s easy to watch every single week.👏
It’s getting hard to tell how much metal is left in those Cadillacs. Maybe they are just spray paint shells. 😊
I will do a day trip to palo duro canyon next time I fly to Texas.
I was at The big Texan last fall. The steak was amazing.
The pan handle of TX definitely looks like the Grand Canyon!!
At least you didn't put in any damm olives and ruin it 😉
Funny thing, we were out of NM for April 3-7, traveling south through NM to Burnet, TX. We got stuck in Texico NM courtesy of the railroad for 45 minutes, which caused us to arrive at our hotel after midnight. We left for Era TX the day before the eclipse. That wind dropped the gas mileage in our 2020 Explorer 2.3 EcoBoost from the high 20s to under 20. I can't imagine pulling a trailer in that wind. How does your truck do on gas?
Robert – I'm glad to hear you are looking into doing Route 66 next year. But having said that, it's said to see how some areas have gone to ruins. I wish the States or Federal government would refurbish these iconic landmarks to their former glory.
I've enjoyed your most recent videos, along with this fantastic video! Something tells me that Route 66 will really come alive, in the near future! The rock formations are so beautiful, and you can really see their change, on the way to Texas! Take care!!🏜🛣🚗🚗🚗🚗🚗🤗
I do remember, you failed to see the dead end sign and found yourself stuck on a super narrow route 66 and had a hell of a time doing a u turn, live and learn right amigo….Javi G.