Europe does not have to be expensive, just go to eastern europe instead of Spain, Italy, Switzerland, Germany, France, Portugal, the Uk ect. Balkan countries and eastern european countries are full of life, history and culture. I do recommend being carefyl about Croatia, because the prices are going up quite a lot. The rest are quite affordable
Always check public transport before you book places like Italy have very good public transport and cheap €1.50 for 60min we stayed 12km from the city centre the train station was close by we saved hundreds of euros and the same ticket can be used on the bus once its still in the time limit
I don't think i can do world trip as it's very expensive i am wishing to just to my country tour atleast 😭 lakhs for just few days trips it's very expensive to me 😭 i would need to save for years and i guess i wouldn't even be able to splurge those on the trip at that point 😂
What r u wearing inside this top. Pls reply
The best way to save money is to book a freelance worker for visa and bookings rather than relying on travel agencies that is just ripping us off
Merci beaucoup ❤❤
3rd world tier travellers 😂
Absolutely hate such videos
stay home.
Free walking tours are not free . You’re supposed to tip . It’s common knowledge Indians don’t tip and are super cheap
How about going to space instead of these lame ass trite cities?
tou are very beautiful ❤️
Very helpful tips, Grazzi hafna 😊
Oh I wish I would know this before.
How to apply for visa ?
Hi Suggest cheap hotels
Here's a hack: Switzerland is too expensive and Austria is cheaper and better, go there instead.
its simple…. don't fukin rent a car ……
Europe does not have to be expensive, just go to eastern europe instead of Spain, Italy, Switzerland, Germany, France, Portugal, the Uk ect. Balkan countries and eastern european countries are full of life, history and culture. I do recommend being carefyl about Croatia, because the prices are going up quite a lot. The rest are quite affordable
I'm driver on Blablacar here in Brazil.
It's a great app.
Unless you can tell me how to make it cost less than 1,500 for my little family of three to fly there, its going to still be expensive.
Can I ask you a question please
It'is good video
Is your holiday hacker course also for various places in India ?
Always check public transport before you book places like Italy have very good public transport and cheap €1.50 for 60min we stayed 12km from the city centre the train station was close by we saved hundreds of euros and the same ticket can be used on the bus once its still in the time limit
I don't think i can do world trip as it's very expensive i am wishing to just to my country tour atleast 😭 lakhs for just few days trips it's very expensive to me 😭 i would need to save for years and i guess i wouldn't even be able to splurge those on the trip at that point 😂
bhn pheli nhi hui h dusri kya krenge
ok jeet
Crafted piece 🔥🔥🔥
Hindi nhi aati kya
Wow thanks
Flight tickets cost left the chat
Northern lights 😇
European Money is More valuable than Indian rupees 💰